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rst censors in 443.[11][12][13]\nA;443;bc-y;;;;
 and censor in 300, triumphed ove;300;bc-y;;;;
 and censor in 252.\nSempronii Bla;252;bc-y;;;;
 and censor in 230.[20][21][22]\nP;230;bc-y;;;;
 and consul in 204, was a survivo;204;bc-y;;;;
 the consul of 177.\nTiberius Semp;177;bc-y;;;;
 the consul of 191, with misappro;191;bc-y;;;;
 and censor in 169, triumphed ove;169;bc-y;;;;
 pestilence of 174.[38]\nPublius S;174;bc-y;;;;
 the consul of 191.[33]\nTitus Sem;191;bc-y;;;;
io, praetor in 89.[50][51] One r;89;bc-y;;;;