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Revision as of 06:25, 14 August 2023

 consulship in 495\; he distinguis;495;bc-y;;;;
 was consul in 471, and Gaius, wh;471;bc-y;;;;
 magistracy in 460.[2]\nAlmost not;460;bc-y;;;;
cted consul in 460 with Publius V;460;bc-y;;;;
f decemvir for 450, and surrounde;450;bc-y;;;;
d for the year 444.[29][30]\nThe e;444;bc-y;;;;
 the consul of 471, making him Ga;471;bc-y;;;;
he colleges of 444 and 422 also i;444;bc-y;;;;
ges of 444 and 422 also include n;422;bc-y;;;;