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 middle of the fifth century and wa;fifth;bc-c;;;;
y.[16] In the fourth century, the F;fourth;bc-c;;;;
osition in the third century, as th;third;bc-c;;;;
 Verrucosus in 203 marks the end ;203;bc-y;;;;
mus Eburnus in 116, the Fabii ent;116;bc-y;;;;
 the consul of 467, married a dau;467;bc-y;;;;
he Veientes in 480.[52][53][54]\nC;480;bc-y;;;;
on. Consul in 484, 481, and 479,;484;bc-y;;;;
Consul in 484, 481, and 479, Fabi;481;bc-y;;;;
 484, 481, and 479, Fabius contin;479;bc-y;;;;
nus, consul in 467, 465, and 459.;467;bc-y;;;;
consul in 467, 465, and 459. The;465;bc-y;;;;
 467, 465, and 459. The only sur;459;bc-y;;;;
Decemvirate in 450, and also urba;450;bc-y;;;;
ban prefect in 462 and 458.[43][7;462;bc-y;;;;
ect in 462 and 458.[43][72][73][7;458;bc-y;;;;
gainst Veii in 437, consular trib;437;bc-y;;;;
lar tribune in 433, and legate in;433;bc-y;;;;
 and legate in 431.[77][78][79]\nN;431;bc-y;;;;
nus, consul in 421, and consular ;421;bc-y;;;;
nus, consul in 423 and consular t;423;bc-y;;;;
 and censor in 363\; supported the;363;bc-y;;;;
ter equitum in 325 or 324, consul;325;bc-y;;;;
itum in 325 or 324, consul in 322;324;bc-y;;;;
C, dictator in 315 and censor in ;315;bc-y;;;;
 and censor in 304, princeps sena;304;bc-y;;;;
\; triumphed in 322, 309, and 295.;322;bc-y;;;;
umphed in 322, 309, and 295.\nQuin;309;bc-y;;;;
 322, 309, and 295.\nQuintus Fabiu;295;bc-y;;;;
\; triumphed in 291 and 276.\nQuint;291;bc-y;;;;
hed in 291 and 276.\nQuintus Fabiu;276;bc-y;;;;
 BC, censor in 230, and dictator ;230;bc-y;;;;
nd dictator in 221 and 217, princ;221;bc-y;;;;
tor in 221 and 217, princeps sena;217;bc-y;;;;
\; triumphed in 233.\nQuintus Fabiu;233;bc-y;;;;
 and censor in 108\; triumphed ove;108;bc-y;;;;
the praetor of 189, holding an ap;189;bc-y;;;;
hos. Consul in 266, he triumphed ;266;bc-y;;;;
s. He died in 167.[144][145]\nNum;167;bc-y;;;;
r, probably in 241\; appointed dic;241;bc-y;;;;
ed dictator in 216 to fill the va;216;bc-y;;;;
 propraetor in 189 and 188, he de;189;bc-y;;;;
tor in 189 and 188, he defeated t;188;bc-y;;;;
nd Pisaurum in 184, and Saturnia ;184;bc-y;;;;
nd Saturnia in 183. He was consu;183;bc-y;;;;
 was consul in 183, and proconsul;183;bc-y;;;;
ame pontiff in 180, and was part ;180;bc-y;;;;
f Macedonia in 167. He was also ;167;bc-y;;;;
 the consul of 247\; his father, M;247;bc-y;;;;
 the consul of 292 and 276, and t;292;bc-y;;;;
sul of 292 and 276, and thus assi;276;bc-y;;;;
 consulship of 265. However, Rya;265;bc-y;;;;