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gel island.\nc. 2000 BC – 1900 BC: the;2000 BC;bc-i;;;;
gel island.\nc. 2000 BC – 1900 BC: the;2000 BC;bc-i;;;;
.\nc. 2000 BC – 1900 BC: the "Priest-k;1900 BC;bc-i;;;;
.\nc. 2000 BC – 1900 BC: the "Priest-k;1900 BC;bc-i;;;;
w York.\n1974 BC BC: Erishum I bec; BC;bc-r;;;;
.\nc. 1928 BC – 1895 BC: "Harvest s;1895;bc-y;;;;
sty.\nc. 1920 BC BC: Jishi Gorge f; BC;bc-r;;;;
Nubian war.\nc. 1900 BC: Shalim-ahum a;1900 BC;bc-i;;;;
Nubian war.\nc. 1900 BC: Shalim-ahum a;1900 BC;bc-i;;;;
troductions\nc. 2000 BC: Glass appears;2000 BC;bc-i;;;;
troductions\nc. 2000 BC: Glass appears;2000 BC;bc-i;;;;

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