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Revision as of 14:25, 17 August 2023

he decade, see 1000s BC (decade).\nThis article ;1000s BC (decade);bc-d;;;;
ry BC\n\nDecades\n1090s BC\n1080s BC\n10;1090s;bc-sd;;;;
cades\n1090s BC\n1080s BC\n1070s BC\n10;1080s;bc-sd;;;;
0s BC\n1080s BC\n1070s BC\n1060s BC\n10;1070s;bc-sd;;;;
0s BC\n1070s BC\n1060s BC\n1050s BC\n10;1060s;bc-sd;;;;
0s BC\n1060s BC\n1050s BC\n1040s BC\n10;1050s;bc-sd;;;;
0s BC\n1050s BC\n1040s BC\n1030s BC\n10;1040s;bc-sd;;;;
0s BC\n1040s BC\n1030s BC\n1020s BC\n10;1030s;bc-sd;;;;
0s BC\n1030s BC\n1020s BC\n1010s BC\n10;1020s;bc-sd;;;;
0s BC\n1020s BC\n1010s BC\n1000s BC\n\nC;1010s;bc-sd;;;;
0s BC\n1010s BC\n1000s BC\n\nCategories;1000s;bc-sd;;;;
his son Medon.\n1050 BC: Philistines c;1050 BC;bc-i;;;;
y in China.\nc. 1040 BC: David, King o;1040 BC;bc-i;;;;
 of Samuel.\nc. 1020 BC: Destruction o;1020 BC;bc-i;;;;
of Troy VIIb2.\n1020 BC: King Kang of ;1020 BC;bc-i;;;;
son Archippus.\n1000s BC: Earliest evid;1000s BC;bc-i;;;;
nya highlands.\n1000s BC: Phoenician al;1000s BC;bc-i;;;;
sh-bosheth.\nc. 1000 BC: Latins arrive;1000 BC;bc-i;;;;