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iletus (fl. c. 500 BC), the author o;500 BC;bc-i;;;;
s abandoned in 475-350 BCE, which;475;bc-i;;;;
andoned in 475-350 BCE, which coincid;350 BCE;bc-i;;;;
al area around 350-300 BCE.[00] A;350;bc-i;;;;
rea around 350-300 BCE.[00] At the en;300 BCE;bc-i;;;;
st half of the 4th c@entury.[00]\n;4th;bc-c;;;;
of Thronium c. 450 BC). It has been ;450 BC;bc-i;;;;
area around c. 500 BC Hecateus menti;500 BC;bc-i;;;;
pirotes" in c. 200 B.C.\nIn circa 233 B;200 B.C.;bc-i;;;;
igrations (ca. 2500 BC).[000][000] Eu;2500 BC;bc-i;;;;
the Dark Ages (1100–800 BC).[000] ;1100;bc-i;;;;
ark Ages (1100–800 BC).[000] Hammond;800 BC;bc-i;;;;
ituation about 380-360 BC indicat;380;bc-i;;;;
tion about 380-360 BC indicates that;360 BC;bc-i;;;;
 situation (c. 380-360 BC), disti;380;bc-i;;;;
uation (c. 380-360 BC), distinguishe;360 BC;bc-i;;;;
enaean Greece (1600-1100 B.C).[000;1600;bc-i;;;;
n Greece (1600-1100 B.C).[000]\nA templ;1100 B.C;bc-i;;;;
a dated to ca. 330–320 BC. The in;330;bc-i;;;;
ted to ca. 330–320 BC. The inscripti;320 BC;bc-i;;;;
the end of the 4th c@entury and t;4th;bc-c;;;;
nty before the 5th c@entury, as a;5th;bc-c;;;;
<span class="mw-poem-indented" style="display: inline-block; margin-inline-start: 1em;"> τῆς Ἠπείρου (550—476)103. The m;550;bc-y;;;;</span>
ς Ἠπείρου (550—476)103. The main ;476;bc-y;;;;
e third of the 5th c@entury, made;5th;bc-c;;;;
s of Epirus c. 500 BC, Hekataios of ;500 BC;bc-i;;;;
etween the mid-fourth c@entury and c;fourth;bc-c;;;;
@entury and c. 330-324, a series ;330;bc-y;;;;
ury and c. 330-324, a series of S;324;bc-y;;;;
nd half of the fourth c@entury. In f;fourth;bc-c;;;;
that in around 330 the whole of E;330;bc-y;;;;
date of around 2500 BC."\n\n^ Georgiev ;2500 BC;bc-i;;;;
ituation of c. 380-360, put the s;380;bc-i;;;;
tion of c. 380-360, put the south;360;bc-i;;;;
lliance in the 330s suggests stron;330s;bc-d;;;;
k early in the fourth c@entury. Trib;fourth;bc-c;;;;
quête romaine (272–167 av. J.C.)";272;bc-y;;;;
e romaine (272–167 av. J.C.)". Collection;167 av. J.C;bc-y;;;;
 Areas down to 400 B.C.". In Sakellari;400 B.C.;bc-i;;;;
18). "From the Fifth C@entury to 16;Fifth;bc-c;;;;