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Latest revision as of 13:02, 29 October 2023

Mesopotamia\nc. 2500 BC Enmebaragesi o;2500 BC;bc-i;;;;
ubdued Elam\nc. 2500 BC Aga of Kish, t;2500 BC;bc-i;;;;
sieged Uruk\nc. 2500 BC Enmerkar of Ur;2500 BC;bc-i;;;;
e of Aratta\nc. 2500 BC Dumuzid of Uru;2500 BC;bc-i;;;;
ngle-handed\nc. 2500 BC Enshakushanna ;2500 BC;bc-i;;;;
 for a time\nc. 2500 BC Eannatum of La;2500 BC;bc-i;;;;
hakushanna)\nc. 2500 BC En-anna-tum I ;2500 BC;bc-i;;;;
mma of Umma\nc. 2500 BC Entemena of La;2500 BC;bc-i;;;;
hakushanna)\nc. 2500 BC Lugal-Anne-Mun;2500 BC;bc-i;;;;
 and Nimrod\nc. 2300 BC Mari-Ebla's Hu;2300 BC;bc-i;;;;
d Years War\nc. 2300 BC Battle of Terq;2300 BC;bc-i;;;;
le of Terqa\nc. 2000 BC Battle of Sidd;2000 BC;bc-i;;;;
e of Siddim\nc. 1900 BC Qatna-Yamhad c;1900 BC;bc-i;;;;
m conquests\nc. 1650 BC - 1600 BC Hitt;1650 BC;bc-i;;;;
s\nc. 1650 BC - 1600 BC Hittite-Syrian;1600 BC;bc-i;;;;
lite campaigns\n1400 BC Battle of Ai (;1400 BC;bc-i;;;;
of Anatolia\nc. 1650 BC – 1600 BC Conq;1650 BC;bc-i;;;;
a\nc. 1650 BC – 1600 BC Conquests of H;1600 BC;bc-i;;;;
d Mursili I\nc. 1430 BC – 1350 BC Kask;1430 BC;bc-i;;;;
I\nc. 1430 BC – 1350 BC Kaska invasion;1350 BC;bc-i;;;;