ape of a fist\; 1400–1380 BC, Museu;1400;bc-i;;;;
f a fist\; 1400–1380 BC, Museum of Fin;1380 BC;bc-i;;;;
rom c. 4000 to 1000 BC according to t;1000 BC;bc-i;;;;
e Valley at c. 2800 BC,[00][00] which;2800 BC;bc-i;;;;
ngdom prior to 1400 BC, the king of t;1400 BC;bc-i;;;;
er period from 1400 BC until 1200 BC ;1400 BC;bc-i;;;;
1400 BC until 1200 BC did the Hittit;1200 BC;bc-i;;;;
ed until about 1500 BC. Telepinu's re;1500 BC;bc-i;;;;
ometime around 1180 BC following a co;1180 BC;bc-i;;;;
piluliuma I (c.1350–1322) and Murs;1350;bc-y;;;;
iuma I (c.1350–1322) and Mursili I;1322;bc-y;;;;
Mursili II (c.1321–1295).\nReligio;1321;bc-y;;;;
ili II (c.1321–1295).\nReligion of ;1295;bc-y;;;;
se until about 1100 BC. Hittite is th;1100 BC;bc-i;;;;
ttite Kingdom (1650–1500 BC) to wh;1650;bc-i;;;;
Kingdom (1650–1500 BC) to what is kn;1500 BC;bc-i;;;;
ttite Kingdom (1500–1180 BC).[00] ;1500;bc-i;;;;
Kingdom (1500–1180 BC).[00] Between ;1180 BC;bc-i;;;;
Template:Timeline of Mesopotamia