Dates/ century BC
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ry BC\n\nDecades\n2990s BC\n2980s BC\n29;2990s;bc-sd;;;;
cades\n2990s BC\n2980s BC\n2970s BC\n29;2980s;bc-sd;;;;
0s BC\n2980s BC\n2970s BC\n2960s BC\n29;2970s;bc-sd;;;;
0s BC\n2970s BC\n2960s BC\n2950s BC\n29;2960s;bc-sd;;;;
0s BC\n2960s BC\n2950s BC\n2940s BC\n29;2950s;bc-sd;;;;
0s BC\n2950s BC\n2940s BC\n2930s BC\n29;2940s;bc-sd;;;;
0s BC\n2940s BC\n2930s BC\n2920s BC\n29;2930s;bc-sd;;;;
0s BC\n2930s BC\n2920s BC\n2910s BC\n29;2920s;bc-sd;;;;
0s BC\n2920s BC\n2910s BC\n2900s BC\n\nC;2910s;bc-sd;;;;
0s BC\n2910s BC\n2900s BC\n\nCategories;2900s;bc-sd;;;;
.\nc. 3300 BC – 2600 BC: Early Harappa;2600 BC;bc-i;;;;
oductions\n3000–2000 BC – Hieroglyphic;2000 BC;bc-i;;;;
nt China.\n3000–2000 BC – Settled vill;2000 BC;bc-i;;;;