Dates/ century BC
he decade, see 1600s BC (decade).\n\nMillennium\n2;1600s BC (decade);bc-d;;;;
ry BC\n\nDecades\n1690s BC\n1680s BC\n167;1690s ;bc-sd;;;;
cades\n1690s BC\n1680s BC\n1670s BC\n166;1680s ;bc-sd;;;;
0s BC\n1680s BC\n1670s BC\n1660s BC\n165;1670s ;bc-sd;;;;
0s BC\n1670s BC\n1660s BC\n1650s BC\n164;1660s ;bc-sd;;;;
0s BC\n1660s BC\n1650s BC\n1640s BC\n163;1650s ;bc-sd;;;;
0s BC\n1650s BC\n1640s BC\n1630s BC\n162;1640s ;bc-sd;;;;
0s BC\n1640s BC\n1630s BC\n1620s BC\n161;1630s ;bc-sd;;;;
0s BC\n1630s BC\n1620s BC\n1610s BC\n160;1620s ;bc-sd;;;;
0s BC\n1620s BC\n1610s BC\n1600s BC\n\nCa;1610s ;bc-sd;;;;
0s BC\n1610s BC\n1600s BC\n\nCategories:;1600s ;bc-sd;;;;
@entral Europe 1600 BC. The inlaid go;1600 BC;bc-i;;;;
isturbances\nc. 1700 BC: Indus Valley ;1700 BC;bc-i;;;;
ry H culture@.\n1700 BC: Belu-bani bec;1700 BC;bc-i;;;;
of Assyria.\nc. 1700 BC: Minoan Old Pa;1700 BC;bc-i;;;;
nt Greece@.\nc. 1700 BC: beginning of ;1700 BC;bc-i;;;;
on Crete@.\nc. 1700 BC: Aegean metalw;1700 BC;bc-i;;;;
to borrow.\nc. 1700 BC: Lila-Ir-Tash ;1700 BC;bc-i;;;;
te Empire@.\nc. 1700 BC: 1450 BC: Youn;1700 BC;bc-i;;;;
s, Greece@.\nc. 1700 BC: Bronze Age st;1700 BC;bc-i;;;;
of Assyria.\nc. 1600 BC: Tang of Shang;1600 BC;bc-i;;;;