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(Created page with "colors: #975858 sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Timeline_of_astronomy&oldid=1069744726 events: Mayan astronomers discover an 18.7-year c...")
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[[Maya astronomy|Mayan astronomers]] discover an 18.7-year cycle in the rising and setting of the [[Moon]]. From this they created the first [[almanac]]s&\;nbsp\;– tables of the movements of the Sun, Moon, and planets for the use in [[astrology]]. In 6th century BC Greece, this knowledge is used to predict [[eclipse]]s.;;;;-750;;
[[Maya astronomy|Mayan astronomers]] discover an 18.7-year cycle in the rising and setting of the [[Moon]]. From this they created the first [[almanac]]s – tables of the movements of the Sun, Moon, and planets for the use in [[astrology]]. In 6th century BC Greece, this knowledge is used to predict [[eclipse]]s.;;;;-750;;
[[Thales of Miletus]] predicts a [[Eclipse of Thales|solar eclipse]].;;;;-585;;
[[Thales of Miletus]] predicts a [[Eclipse of Thales|solar eclipse]].;;;;-585;;
[[Anaxagoras]] produced a correct explanation for [[eclipse]]s and then described the Sun as a fiery mass larger than the [[Peloponnese]], as well as attempting to explain [[rainbows]] and [[meteors]] . He was the first to explain that the Moon shines due to reflected light from the Sun.;;;;-467;;
[[Anaxagoras]] produced a correct explanation for [[eclipse]]s and then described the Sun as a fiery mass larger than the [[Peloponnese]], as well as attempting to explain [[rainbows]] and [[meteors]] . He was the first to explain that the Moon shines due to reflected light from the Sun.;;;;-467;;
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[[Charles Messier]] publishes his catalog of star clusters and nebulas. Messier draws up the list to prevent these objects from being identified as comets. However, it soon becomes a standard reference for the study of star clusters and nebulas and is still in use today.;;;;1784;;
[[Charles Messier]] publishes his catalog of star clusters and nebulas. Messier draws up the list to prevent these objects from being identified as comets. However, it soon becomes a standard reference for the study of star clusters and nebulas and is still in use today.;;;;1784;;
William Herschel splits sunlight through a prism and with a thermometer, measures the energy given out by different colours. He notices a sudden increase in energy beyond the red end of the [[spectrum]], discovering invisible infrared and laying the foundations of spectroscopy.;;;;1800;;
William Herschel splits sunlight through a prism and with a thermometer, measures the energy given out by different colours. He notices a sudden increase in energy beyond the red end of the [[spectrum]], discovering invisible infrared and laying the foundations of spectroscopy.;;;;1800;;
Italian astronomer [[Giuseppe Piazzi]] discovers what appears to be a new planet orbiting between Mars and Jupiter, and names it [[Ceres (dwarf planet)|Ceres]]. [[William Herschel]] proves it is a very small object, calculating it to be only 320&\;nbsp\;km in diameter, and not a planet. He proposes the name asteroid, and soon other similar bodies are being found. We now know that Ceres is 932&\;nbsp\;km in diameter, and is now considered to be a dwarf planet.;;;;1801;;
Italian astronomer [[Giuseppe Piazzi]] discovers what appears to be a new planet orbiting between Mars and Jupiter, and names it [[Ceres (dwarf planet)|Ceres]]. [[William Herschel]] proves it is a very small object, calculating it to be only 320 km in diameter, and not a planet. He proposes the name asteroid, and soon other similar bodies are being found. We now know that Ceres is 932 km in diameter, and is now considered to be a dwarf planet.;;;;1801;;
[[Joseph von Fraunhofer]] builds the first accurate spectrometer and uses it to study the spectrum of the Sun's light. He discovers and maps hundreds of fine dark lines crossing the solar spectrum. In 1859 these lines are linked to chemical elements in the Sun's atmosphere. Spectroscopy becomes a method for studying what stars are made of.;;;;1814;;
[[Joseph von Fraunhofer]] builds the first accurate spectrometer and uses it to study the spectrum of the Sun's light. He discovers and maps hundreds of fine dark lines crossing the solar spectrum. In 1859 these lines are linked to chemical elements in the Sun's atmosphere. Spectroscopy becomes a method for studying what stars are made of.;;;;1814;;
[[Friedrich Bessel]] successfully uses the method of stellar parallax, the effect of Earth's annual movement around the Sun, to calculate the distance to [[61 Cygni]], the first star other than the Sun to have its distance from Earth measured. Bessel's is a truly accurate measurement of stellar positions, and the parallax technique establishes a framework for measuring the scale of the universe.;;;;1838;;
[[Friedrich Bessel]] successfully uses the method of stellar parallax, the effect of Earth's annual movement around the Sun, to calculate the distance to [[61 Cygni]], the first star other than the Sun to have its distance from Earth measured. Bessel's is a truly accurate measurement of stellar positions, and the parallax technique establishes a framework for measuring the scale of the universe.;;;;1838;;
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A team of German scientists led by [[Wernher von Braun]] develops the [[V-2]], the first rocket-powered ballistic missile. Scientists and engineers from Braun's team were captured at the end of [[World War II]] and drafted into the American and Russian rocket programs.;;;;1944;;
A team of German scientists led by [[Wernher von Braun]] develops the [[V-2]], the first rocket-powered ballistic missile. Scientists and engineers from Braun's team were captured at the end of [[World War II]] and drafted into the American and Russian rocket programs.;;;;1944;;
The US sent up the first [[Animals in space|animals in space]] although not into orbit, through a [[V-2]] rocket launched from [[White Sands Missile Range]], [[New Mexico]]. The animals were [[Drosophila melanogaster|fruit flies]].;;;;1947;;
The US sent up the first [[Animals in space|animals in space]] although not into orbit, through a [[V-2]] rocket launched from [[White Sands Missile Range]], [[New Mexico]]. The animals were [[Drosophila melanogaster|fruit flies]].;;;;1947;;
The largest telescope in the world, with a 5.08m (200&\;nbsp\;in) mirror, is completed at Palomar Mountain in California. At the time, the telescope pushes single-mirror telescope technology to its limits - large mirrors tend to bend under their own weight.;;;;1948;;
The largest telescope in the world, with a 5.08m (200 in) mirror, is completed at Palomar Mountain in California. At the time, the telescope pushes single-mirror telescope technology to its limits - large mirrors tend to bend under their own weight.;;;;1948;;
Russia launches the first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, into orbit, beginning the space age. The US launches its first satellite, Explorer 1, four months later.;;;;1957;;
Russia launches the first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, into orbit, beginning the space age. The US launches its first satellite, Explorer 1, four months later.;;;;1957;;
July 29 marks the beginning of the [[NASA]] (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), agency newly created by the United States to catch up with Soviet space technologies. It absorbs all research centers and staffs of the [[National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics|NACA]] (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics), an organization founded in 1915.;;;;07.29.1958;;
July 29 marks the beginning of the [[NASA]] (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), agency newly created by the United States to catch up with Soviet space technologies. It absorbs all research centers and staffs of the [[National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics|NACA]] (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics), an organization founded in 1915.;;;;07.29.1958;;
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The [[Hubble Space Telescope]], the first large optical telescope in orbit, is launched using the [[Space Shuttle]], but astronomers soon discovered that it is crippled by a problem with its mirror. A complex repair mission in 1993 allows the telescope to start producing spectacular images of distant stars, nebulae, and galaxies.;;;;1990;;
The [[Hubble Space Telescope]], the first large optical telescope in orbit, is launched using the [[Space Shuttle]], but astronomers soon discovered that it is crippled by a problem with its mirror. A complex repair mission in 1993 allows the telescope to start producing spectacular images of distant stars, nebulae, and galaxies.;;;;1990;;
The [[Cosmic Background Explorer]] satellite produces a detailed map of the background radiation remaining from the [[Big Bang]]. The map shows "ripples", caused by slight variations in the density of the early universe \;– the seeds of galaxies and galaxy clusters.;;;;1992;;
The [[Cosmic Background Explorer]] satellite produces a detailed map of the background radiation remaining from the [[Big Bang]]. The map shows "ripples", caused by slight variations in the density of the early universe \;– the seeds of galaxies and galaxy clusters.;;;;1992;;
The 10-meter [[Keck telescope]] on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, is completed. The first revolutionary new wave of telescopes, the Keck's main mirror is made of 36 six-sided segments, with computers to control their alignment. New optical telescopes also make use of [[interferometry]]&\;nbsp\;– improving resolution by combining images from separate telescopes.;;;;1992;;
The 10-meter [[Keck telescope]] on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, is completed. The first revolutionary new wave of telescopes, the Keck's main mirror is made of 36 six-sided segments, with computers to control their alignment. New optical telescopes also make use of [[interferometry]] – improving resolution by combining images from separate telescopes.;;;;1992;;
The first [[exoplanet]], [[51 Pegasi b]], is discovered by [[Michel Mayor]] and [[Didier Queloz]].;;;;1995;;
The first [[exoplanet]], [[51 Pegasi b]], is discovered by [[Michel Mayor]] and [[Didier Queloz]].;;;;1995;;
Construction work on a huge new space station named [[ISS]] has begun. A joint venture between many countries, including former space rivals Russia and the US.;;;;1998;;
Construction work on a huge new space station named [[ISS]] has begun. A joint venture between many countries, including former space rivals Russia and the US.;;;;1998;;
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China's [[Chang'e 4]] became the first spacecraft to perform a soft landing on the [[Far side of the Moon|lunar far side]].;;;;2019;;
China's [[Chang'e 4]] became the first spacecraft to perform a soft landing on the [[Far side of the Moon|lunar far side]].;;;;2019;;
The [[Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration]] obtained the first image of a black hole which was at the center of [[Messier 87|galaxy M87]], providing more evidence for the existence of supermassive black holes in accordance with general relativity.;;;;04.2019;;
The [[Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration]] obtained the first image of a black hole which was at the center of [[Messier 87|galaxy M87]], providing more evidence for the existence of supermassive black holes in accordance with general relativity.;;;;04.2019;;
India launched its second lunar probe called [[Chandrayaan 2]] with an orbiter that was successful and a lander called Vikram along with a rover called Pragyan which failed just 2.1&\;nbsp\;km above the lunar south pole.;;;;2019;;
India launched its second lunar probe called [[Chandrayaan 2]] with an orbiter that was successful and a lander called Vikram along with a rover called Pragyan which failed just 2.1 km above the lunar south pole.;;;;2019;;
[[NASA]] launches [[Mars 2020]] to [[Mars]] with a [[Mars rover]] and a small helicopter that was named ''[[Perseverance (rover)|Perseverance]]'' and ''[[Ingenuity (Mars helicopter)|Ingenuity]]'' by seventh grader Alexander Mather and eleventh grader Vaneeza Rupani respectively in a naming contest. First human orbital spaceflight launched by a private company occurred when [[Crew Dragon Demo-2|SpaceX Demo-2]] carrying astronauts [[Bob Behnken]] and [[Doug Hurley]] was launched to the [[International Space Station]].;;;;2020;;
[[NASA]] launches [[Mars 2020]] to [[Mars]] with a [[Mars rover]] and a small helicopter that was named ''[[Perseverance (rover)|Perseverance]]'' and ''[[Ingenuity (Mars helicopter)|Ingenuity]]'' by seventh grader Alexander Mather and eleventh grader Vaneeza Rupani respectively in a naming contest. First human orbital spaceflight launched by a private company occurred when [[Crew Dragon Demo-2|SpaceX Demo-2]] carrying astronauts [[Bob Behnken]] and [[Doug Hurley]] was launched to the [[International Space Station]].;;;;2020;;
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