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Brienne resigns as Minister of Finance, and is replaced by the Swiss banker [[Jacques Necker]], popular with the Third Estate. French bankers and businessmen, who have always held Necker in high regard, agree to loan the state 75 million, on the condition that the Estates General will have full powers to reform the system.;;;08.25.1788;long
Brienne resigns as Minister of Finance, and is replaced by the Swiss banker [[Jacques Necker]], popular with the Third Estate. French bankers and businessmen, who have always held Necker in high regard, agree to loan the state 75 million, on the condition that the Estates General will have full powers to reform the system.;;;08.25.1788;long
Over the opposition of the nobles, Necker announces that the representation of the Third Estate will be doubled, and that nobles and clergymen will be eligible to sit with the Third Estate.;;;12.27.1788;long
Over the opposition of the nobles, Necker announces that the representation of the Third Estate will be doubled, and that nobles and clergymen will be eligible to sit with the Third Estate.;;;12.27.1788;long
(January 1789) The Abbé [[Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès]] publishes his famous pamphlet, "What is the Third Estate?" he writes\; "What is the Third Estate? Everything. What has it been until now in the political order? Nothing. What does it demand to be? Something.";;; January 15 1789;long
(January 1789) The Abbé [[Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès]] publishes his famous pamphlet, "What is the Third Estate?" he writes\; "What is the Third Estate? Everything. What has it been until now in the political order? Nothing. What does it demand to be? Something.";;;01.15.1789;long
King Louis XVI convokes elections for delegates to the Estates-General<\;ref>\;Jean Tulard, Jean-François Fayard, Alfred Fierro, ''Histoire et dictionnaire de la Révolution française'', Robert Laffont, Paris, 1998. (In French)<\;/ref>\;;;;01.24.1789;long
King Louis XVI convokes elections for delegates to the Estates-General<\;ref>\;Jean Tulard, Jean-François Fayard, Alfred Fierro, ''Histoire et dictionnaire de la Révolution française'', Robert Laffont, Paris, 1998. (In French)<\;/ref>\;;;;01.24.1789;long
Riots in Paris by workers of the [[Jean-Baptiste Réveillon|Réveillon wallpaper factory]] in the [[Faubourg Saint-Antoine]]. Twenty-five workers were killed in battles with police.;;;04.27.1789;long
Riots in Paris by workers of the [[Jean-Baptiste Réveillon|Réveillon wallpaper factory]] in the [[Faubourg Saint-Antoine]]. Twenty-five workers were killed in battles with police.;;;04.27.1789;long