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Latest revision as of 10:08, 11 September 2023

 to drink!" c. 1850 BC - c. 1700 BC (;1850 BC;bc-i;;;;
. 1850 BC - c. 1700 BC (Old Assyrian);1700 BC;bc-i;;;;
nd collapse of Third Millennium nor;Third;bc-m;;;;
ilitary Power, 1300–1200 B.C.". In;1300;bc-i;;;;
ry Power, 1300–1200 B.C.". In I. E. S. ;1200 B.C.;bc-i;;;;
ean Region, c. 1380–1000 BC@. Camb;1380;bc-i;;;;
egion, c. 1380–1000 BC@. Cambridge Un;1000 BC;bc-i;;;;
 about 4000 to 2000 B.C. the civilizati;2000 B.C.;bc-i;;;;
an period (ca. 1000-609 BCE)"\n\n^ E;1000;bc-i;;;;
Template:Timeline of Mesopotamia