Dates/ of Greater Iran sidebar
showPre-IslamicBCE / BC\n Prehisto;BCE;bc-r;;;;
Pre-IslamicBCE / BC\n Prehistory;/;bc-r;;;;
e-IslamicBCE / BC\n Prehistory Ku;BC;bc-r;;;;
xes culture c. 3400 – c. 2000 Prot;3400;bc-i;;;;
e c. 3400 – c. 2000 Proto-Elamite ;2000;bc-i;;;;
e civilization 3200–2800 Elamite d;3200;bc-i;;;;
ilization 3200–2800 Elamite dynast;2800;bc-i;;;;
mite dynasties 2800–550 Jiroft cul;2800;bc-i;;;;
dynasties 2800–550 Jiroft culture;550;bc-y;;;;
rgiana Complex 2200–1700 Kingdom o;2200;bc-i;;;;
a Complex 2200–1700 Kingdom of Man;1700;bc-i;;;;
gdom of Mannai 10th–7th century Ne;10th;bc-c;;;;
of Mannai 10th–7th century Neo-As;7th;bc-c;;;;
ssyrian Empire 911–609 Urartu 860;911;bc-y;;;;
ian Empire 911–609 Urartu 860–590;609;bc-y;;;;
911–609 Urartu 860–590 Median Emp;860;bc-y;;;;
609 Urartu 860–590 Median Empire ;590;bc-y;;;;
Median Empire 728–550 Scythian K;728;bc-y;;;;
ian Empire 728–550 Scythian Kingd;550;bc-y;;;;
ythian Kingdom 652–625 Achaemenid;652;bc-y;;;;
an Kingdom 652–625 Achaemenid Emp;625;bc-y;;;;
aemenid Empire 550–330 Ancient ki;550;bc-y;;;;
nid Empire 550–330 Ancient kingdo;330;bc-y;;;;
eleucid Empire 330–150 Caucasian ;330;bc-y;;;;
cid Empire 330–150 Caucasian Iber;150;bc-y;;;;
ctrian Kingdom 250–125 Parthian E;250;bc-y;;;;
an Kingdom 250–125 Parthian Empir;125;bc-y;;;;