nnesian War in 404/403.\n\n\nAncestr;404;bc-y;;;;
ian War in 404/403.\n\n\nAncestry\nPl;403;bc-y;;;;
at position in 594/3.[0] Solon d;594;bc-y;;;;
osition in 594/3.[0] Solon die;3;bc-y1;;;593;
ed in the late 560s\; presumably Dr;560s;bc-d;;;;
into the late 6th century.\nThe s;6th;bc-c;;;;
dating to the 480s, which named “;480s;bc-d;;;;
er was active (430s and 420s). W;430s;bc-sd;;;;
tive (430s and 420s). What littl;420s;bc-dp;;;;
n to change in 415.\n\nStudent of S;415;bc-y;;;;
the spring of 415, the Athenians;415;bc-y;;;;
expedition in 413, in which tens;413;bc-y;;;;
ility.[00] In 411, as Athenian p;411;bc-y;;;;
ot to last. In 407, while command;407;bc-y;;;;
Aigospotami in 405,[00] in which ;405;bc-y;;;;
the spring of 403, they returned;403;bc-y;;;;
e. By the late 4th century, Arist;4th;bc-c;;;;
rtied Families 600–300 BC@. Londo;600;bc-i;;;;
d Families 600–300 BC@. London: Oxfo;300 BC;bc-i;;;;