Dates/ War
st half of the 4th century.[0] In;4th;bc-c;;;;
Lepini) and in 381 annexing the L;381;bc-y;;;;
y with Rome in 358,[0] but these ;358;bc-y;;;;
e with Rome in 354 after a length;354;bc-y;;;;
[0] During the 340s, Roman-Latin r;340s;bc-d;;;;
cords that, in 349, when again fa;349;bc-y;;;;
ps,[00] and in 343 actually plann;343;bc-y;;;;
Apennines. In 354, they had form;354;bc-y;;;;
his treaty, in 343 the First Samn;343;bc-y;;;;
e War ended in 341 with a negotia;341;bc-y;;;;
ng consuls for 341 were ordered t;341;bc-y;;;;
ls elected for 340 were Titus Man;340;bc-y;;;;
ory during the 4th century lived ;4th;bc-c;;;;
the senate in 340. It is possibl;340;bc-y;;;;
ally did so in 216, but most like;216;bc-y;;;;
nistic for the 4th century. In 34;4th;bc-c;;;;
th century. In 340, Rome was stil;340;bc-y;;;;
Punic Wars (c. 1000–264 BC), New Y;1000;bc-i;;;;