Dates/ Clodius Pulcher

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came consul in 79. His mother's;79;bc-y;;;;
her, consul in 54, and Gaius Cla;54;bc-y;;;;
er, praetor in 56, and subsequen;56;bc-y;;;;
was consul in 60, and the latte;60;bc-y;;;;
llus Nepos, in 57. Mucia Tertia;57;bc-y;;;;
us, praetor in 56\; a half-brothe;56;bc-y;;;;
f the plebs in 54.\n\nEarly career;54;bc-y;;;;
th Lucullus in 68, at which time;68;bc-y;;;;
ned to Rome in 63, in time for M;63;bc-y;;;;
the consuls of 63, and probably;63;bc-y;;;;
r years old in 59, and had proba;59;bc-y;;;;
s tribunate in 63.[00] Clodius;63;bc-y;;;;
o as consul in 63 had suppressed;63;bc-y;;;;
r. In January 57, one of the ne;57;bc-y;;;;
BC.[00] About 43 or 42, while s;43;bc-y;;;;
0] About 43 or 42, while still q;42;bc-y;;;;
0] However, in 41, Claudia's mot;41;bc-y;;;;
rce Claudia in 40.[00] She was s;40;bc-y;;;;
ia?)married c. 138Ap. Claudius Pu;138;bc-y;;;;
us Pulchercos. 143, c@ens. 136(c.;143;bc-y;;;;
s. 143, c@ens. 136(c. 186–130)(1);136;bc-y;;;;
c@ens. 136(c. 186–130)(1) Antist;186;bc-y;;;;
ns. 136(c. 186–130)(1) Antistia(V;130;bc-y;;;;
rum)married c. 164\n\nClaudiaVestal;164;bc-y;;;;
Vestalborn c. 163ClaudiaminorGra;163;bc-y;;;;
racchiborn c. 161Ap. Pulcher(c.;161;bc-y;;;;
Ap. Pulcher(c. 159–135/1)ClaudiaT;159;bc-y;;;;
Pulcher(c. 159–135/1)ClaudiaTerti;135;bc-y;;;;
her(c. 159–135/1)ClaudiaTertiab;1;bc-y2;;;131;
Tertiaborn c. 157Q. Philippusmin;157;bc-y;;;;
mint IIIvir c. 129born 160s, marr;129;bc-y;;;;
vir c. 129born 160s, married c. 14;160s;bc-d;;;;
0s, married c. 143\n\nC. Pulcher(c.;143;bc-y;;;;
C. Pulcher(c. 136–92)cos. 92Ap.;136;bc-y;;;;
Pulcher(c. 136–92)cos. 92Ap. Pul;92;bc-y;;;;
c. 136–92)cos. 92Ap. Pulcher(c.;92;bc-y;;;;
Ap. Pulcher(c. 130–76)cos. 79Igno;130;bc-y;;;;
Pulcher(c. 130–76)cos. 79Ignotax;76;bc-y;;;;
c. 130–76)cos. 79IgnotaxL. Phili;79;bc-y;;;;
. Philippus(c. 141–c. 74)cos. 91Q;141;bc-y;;;;
ppus(c. 141–c. 74)cos. 91Q. Phil;74;bc-y;;;;
141–c. 74)cos. 91Q. Philippus(c.;91;bc-y;;;;
. Philippus(c. 143–c. 105)\n\nClaud;143;bc-y;;;;
ppus(c. 143–c. 105)\n\nClaudiaemaio;105;bc-y;;;;
r etminor(born 100–99)Claudia Ter;100;bc-y;;;;
minor(born 100–99)Claudia Tertia;99;bc-y;;;;
Regis(born c. 98)Ap. Pulcher(97;98;bc-y;;;;
98)Ap. Pulcher(97–49)cos. 54, au;97;bc-y;;;;
Ap. Pulcher(97–49)cos. 54, augur;49;bc-y;;;;
her(97–49)cos. 54, augur,c@ens.;54;bc-y;;;;
, augur,c@ens. 50C. Pulcher(96–c;50;bc-y;;;;
. 50C. Pulcher(96–c. 30s)pr. 56C;96;bc-y;;;;
Pulcher(96–c. 30s)pr. 56Claudia;30s;bc-d;;;;
(96–c. 30s)pr. 56Claudia QuartaQ;56;bc-y;;;;
leris(born c. 94)P. Clodius Pul;94;bc-y;;;;
Pulchertr. pl. 58(93–53)Claudia;58;bc-y;;;;
chertr. pl. 58(93–53)Claudia Qui;93;bc-y;;;;
rtr. pl. 58(93–53)Claudia Quinta;53;bc-y;;;;
. Luculli(born 92/90)\n\nClaudia m;92;bc-y;;;;
uculli(born 92/90)\n\nClaudia maio;90;bc-y;;;;
saris(born c. 56)\n\n\n\nIn fiction;56;bc-y;;;;
Fulvia between 62 and 59, probab;62;bc-y;;;;
between 62 and 59, probably duri;59;bc-y;;;;
consulship in 62.\n\n^ In a passa;62;bc-y;;;;
t in the early 50s was attributed;50s;bc-d;;;;
s politique en 61 av. J.-C., Les Belles Le;61 av. J.-C.;bc-y;;;;