Dates/ Cornelius Scipio Asina
ged during the fourth c@entury, and ;fourth;bc-c;;;;
consul in the third c@entury: Asin;third;bc-c;;;;
cipio Asina in 260 and 254, his g;260;bc-y;;;;
ina in 260 and 254, his grandfath;254;bc-y;;;;
io Barbatus in 298, his uncle Luc;298;bc-y;;;;
cius Scipio in 259, and his cousi;259;bc-y;;;;
lius Scipio in 218 and Gnaeus Sci;218;bc-y;;;;
ipio Calvus in 222, the year befo;222;bc-y;;;;
rthaginians in 260 earned him the;260;bc-y;;;;
period between 293 and 218, nothi;293;bc-y;;;;
etween 293 and 218, nothing is kn;218;bc-y;;;;
consulship in 221. He was electe;221;bc-y;;;;
years between 222 and 216 saw th;222;bc-y;;;;
etween 222 and 216 saw the domina;216;bc-y;;;;
ius Salinator (219), Ti. Semproni;219;bc-y;;;;
ronius Longus (218), C. Flaminius;218;bc-y;;;;
C. Flaminius (217), C. Terentius;217;bc-y;;;;
rentius Varro (216), and therefor;216;bc-y;;;;
ucius Rufus in 221.\nAsina and Ruf;221;bc-y;;;;
ia in Italy\nIn 218, Asina was a m;218;bc-y;;;;
r elections of 217, which returne;217;bc-y;;;;
he consuls for 216: Aemilius Paul;216;bc-y;;;;
me (211 BC)\nIn 211, the city of C;211;bc-y;;;;
cus (consul in 227) proposed a co;227;bc-y;;;;