Dates/ Caesar

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al form by the first c@entury, but;first;bc-c;;;;
d in the early first c@entury, prod;first;bc-c;;;;
ey in the late 70s to support res;70s;bc-d;;;;
the consul of 63, Gaius Antoniu;63;bc-y;;;;
an Republic in 40 BC after Caesar's;40 BC;bc-i;;;;
the winter of 58–57, Caesar's f;58;bc-y;;;;
e winter of 58–57, Caesar's forw;57;bc-y;;;;
and by August 58 forced Pompey;58;bc-y;;;;
c. late August 54 did not create;54;bc-y;;;;
inal bust from 70 to 60 BC, Veni;70;bc-i;;;;
ust from 70 to 60 BC, Venice Nation;60 BC;bc-i;;;;
rcingetorix in 52 – was complete;52;bc-y;;;;
irst mooted in 52 as colleague t;52;bc-y;;;;
s as consul in 46\; he borrowed m;46;bc-y;;;;
ius (consul in 45), Decimus Brut;45;bc-y;;;;
designate for 42), as well as C;42;bc-y;;;;
the consuls of 91 and 90 were Se;91;bc-y;;;;
suls of 91 and 90 were Sextus Ca;90;bc-y;;;;
oconsulship to 91 with praetorsh;91;bc-y;;;;
onsular law in 70 which removed;70;bc-y;;;;
ned that since 58 Caesar had hel;58;bc-y;;;;
late summer of 54[\;] if it opene;54;bc-y;;;;
ionship during 53"\; "Julia's dea;53;bc-y;;;;
consulship in 59 was a fantasy;59;bc-y;;;;
r's actions in 59 were overturne;59;bc-y;;;;
(2020). Januar 49 v. Chr.: Vorgeschichte;49 v. Chr.;bc-y;;;;
as praetors in 45 and Casca as p;45;bc-y;;;;
ian tribune in 44 or 43..\n\n^ Mor;44;bc-y;;;;
ibune in 44 or 43..\n\n^ Morstein-;43;bc-y;;;;