Difference between revisions of "Dates/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/22nd century BC"

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(Created page with "<poem><nowiki> ry BC\n\nDecades\n2190s BC\n2180s BC\n21;2190s;bc-sd;;;; cades\n2190s BC\n2180s BC\n2170s BC\n21;2180s;bc-sd;;;; 0s BC\n2180s BC\n2170s BC\n2160s BC\n21;2170s;bc-sd;;;; 0s BC\n2170s BC\n2160s BC\n2150s BC\n21;2160s;bc-sd;;;; 0s BC\n2160s BC\n2150s BC\n2140s BC\n21;2150s;bc-sd;;;; 0s BC\n2150s BC\n2140s BC\n2130s BC\n21;2140s;bc-sd;;;; 0s BC\n2140s BC\n2130s BC\n2120s BC\n21;2130s;bc-sd;;;; 0s BC\n2130s BC\n2120s BC\n2110s BC\n...")
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[[Category:Pages with dates]]
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Latest revision as of 09:39, 11 September 2023

ry BC\n\nDecades\n2190s BC\n2180s BC\n21;2190s;bc-sd;;;;
cades\n2190s BC\n2180s BC\n2170s BC\n21;2180s;bc-sd;;;;
0s BC\n2180s BC\n2170s BC\n2160s BC\n21;2170s;bc-sd;;;;
0s BC\n2170s BC\n2160s BC\n2150s BC\n21;2160s;bc-sd;;;;
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0s BC\n2150s BC\n2140s BC\n2130s BC\n21;2140s;bc-sd;;;;
0s BC\n2140s BC\n2130s BC\n2120s BC\n21;2130s;bc-sd;;;;
0s BC\n2130s BC\n2120s BC\n2110s BC\n21;2120s;bc-sd;;;;
0s BC\n2120s BC\n2110s BC\n2100s BC\n\nC;2110s;bc-sd;;;;
0s BC\n2110s BC\n2100s BC\n\nCategories;2100s;bc-sd;;;;
 years between 2200 and 2101 years;2200;bc-y;;;;
tween 2200 and 2101 years before t;2101;bc-y;;;;
n 2200 and 2101 years before th; ;bc-r;;;;
 2200 and 2101 years before the birth of Jesus Christ.\n;years before the birth of;bc-r;;;;
re the birth of Jesus Christ.\n\n; ;bc-r;;;;
e the birth of Jesus Christ.\n\nEvents\nThe D;Jesus Christ;bc-r;;;;
s of Akkad.\nc. 2200 BC: Austronesians;2200 BC;bc-i;;;;