Dates/ and Autumn period

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Template:History of China
rt moves east (771)\nAfter the Zho;771;bc-y;;;;
ith the court (722–685)\nDuke Yin ;722;bc-y;;;;
the court (722–685)\nDuke Yin of L;685;bc-y;;;;
 the throne in 722.[00] From this;722;bc-y;;;;
 been lost.\nIn 717, Duke Zhuang o;717;bc-y;;;;
apital.[00] In 715, Zheng also be;715;bc-y;;;;
 the court.\nBy 707, relations had;707;bc-y;;;;
ang's death in 701 weakened the s;701;bc-y;;;;
 state.[00]\nIn 692, there was a f;692;bc-y;;;;
egemony of Qi (685–643)\nMain arti;685;bc-y;;;;
ony of Qi (685–643)\nMain article:;643;bc-y;;;;
Huan of Qi (r. 685–643). With th;685;bc-y;;;;
 of Qi (r. 685–643). With the he;643;bc-y;;;;
states.[00]\nBy 667, Qi had clearl;667;bc-y;;;;
t his death in 643, five of Duke ;643;bc-y;;;;
emony of Song (643–637)\nMain arti;643;bc-y;;;;
y of Song (643–637)\nMain article:;637;bc-y;;;;
of Hong (泓) in 638, and the duke ;638;bc-y;;;;
gemony of Jin (636–628)\nMain arti;636;bc-y;;;;
ny of Jin (636–628)\nMain article:;628;bc-y;;;;
me to power in 636 after extensiv;636;bc-y;;;;
 Duke Xian (r. 676–651), who had ;676;bc-y;;;;
e Xian (r. 676–651), who had cent;651;bc-y;;;;
on struggle in 635, the king awar;635;bc-y;;;;
 of Chengpu in 632, Duke Wen's lo;632;bc-y;;;;
of Duke Wen in 628, a growing ten;628;bc-y;;;;
gemony of Qin (628–621)\nMain arti;628;bc-y;;;;
ny of Qin (628–621)\nMain article:;621;bc-y;;;;
 the throne in 659 and forged an ;659;bc-y;;;;
o Duke Wen. In 624, he establishe;624;bc-y;;;;
gemony of Chu (613–591)\nMain arti;613;bc-y;;;;
ny of Chu (613–591)\nMain article:;591;bc-y;;;;
Six Ministers (588)\nFurther infor;588;bc-y;;;;
ft happened in 588 when the army ;588;bc-y;;;;
pened to Lu in 562, when the Thre;562;bc-y;;;;
.\n\nRise of Wu (584)\nWu was a stat;584;bc-y;;;;
 states was in 584, when a Wu for;584;bc-y;;;;
mpts at peace (579)\nDòu vessel wi;579;bc-y;;;;
 conference in 579 and agreed to ;579;bc-y;;;;
Dao of Jin (r. 572–558) was recog;572;bc-y;;;;
of Jin (r. 572–558) was recognize;558;bc-y;;;;
egemony of Wu (506–496)\nMain arti;506;bc-y;;;;
ony of Wu (506–496)\nMain article:;496;bc-y;;;;
 Helü of Wu\nIn 506, King Helü asc;506;bc-y;;;;
sion of Yue in 496. Some sources ;496;bc-y;;;;
tral China.\nIn 499, the philosoph;499;bc-y;;;;
gemony of Yue (496–465)\nMain arti;496;bc-y;;;;
ny of Yue (496–465)\nMain article:;465;bc-y;;;;
jian of Yue\nIn 482, King Fuchai o;482;bc-y;;;;
e city fell in 473. Yue then conc;473;bc-y;;;;
 annexed Wu in 473, after which h;473;bc-y;;;;
il war between 497 and 453 ended ;497;bc-y;;;;
etween 497 and 453 ended with the;453;bc-y;;;;